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Your right to withdrawal You may withdraw from this contract within a fortnight without quoting a reason. The withdrawal period lasts fourteen days from the date of contract. You may withdraw from the contract by


Downloads Download speakers - Layout for manuscript SLV Halle GmbH - Services Sponsoring of the conferences        


I/we* hereby withdraw from the contract I/we* have entered into on the following services: Name/description Ordered on Received on (*) First and last name of the consumer or consumers Address of the consumer or


I/we* hereby withdraw from the contract I/we* have entered into on the following services: Name/description Ordered on Received on (*) First and last name of the consumer or consumers Address of the consumer or

How to get there

Schweißtechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt Halle GmbH Köthener Straße 33a 06118 Halle (Saale), Germany Phone.: +49 345 5246-0 [Translate to english:] Anfahrt zur SLV Parkmöglichkeiten in der SLV How to get there:


Contact: Phone:  +49 345 5246-600 email:   marketing@slv-halle.de Services Services from SLV Halle also include auditing companies outside Germany in railway vehicle and metal construction, a service in

Conference Center

Contact: Head of Administration Phone:+49 345 5246-800 Fax:+49 345 5246-366 Email:cfp@slv-halle.de Marketing Phone:+49 345 5246-600 Fax:+49 345 5246-412 Email:marketing@slv-halle.de Conference
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