Theoretical training

Each welding training programme includes several theoretical courses held according to international guidelines (IIW; EWF) and a number of specialist seminars that can be very hands-on. We also hold bespoke seminars arranged to specific customer requirements.

Standard courses

  • Welding engineer
  • Welding technician
  • Welding specialist
  • Welding quality inspector
  • Additional training for welding supervisors
  • Master welder
  • Welded structure designer
  • Resistance welding tool setter
  • Laser and electron-beam welding
  • Anticorrosive protection and surface treatment


We provide a series of seminars to ensure long-term professional qualification for industry. Fields currently include welding training and processes, quality assurance, materials engineering, and laser and electron-beam technology. Apart from training sessions held at SLV Halle, we also provide selected seminars as corporate training on site to keep our clients’ staff up to speed on rules and regulations, materials, and new welding process developments. We can of course also plan a bespoke training programme to the specific requirements of your company.

  • Welding – joining - cutting
  • Manufacturer qualifications, further training in SAP
  • Measurement and design
  • Manufacturing – materials - flame-straightening
  • Corrosion protection and surface treatment
  • Non-destructive testing
  • Destructive testing
  • General further training
  • Conferences, seminars, informal exchanges

correspondence courses

Professional and further training in welding plays a key role in maintaining high quality standards in practice. Sadly, the greatest problem for many participants is finding the time for it. We also provide remote courses as an ideal extension to the training programmes we already provide. Being able to decide where and how you would like to learn gives you a far more flexible training experience.

Welding supervisor certification


DVS-IIW welding supervisors with documented further training and professional experience in the certified area.


Our DVS-IIW welding supervisor program qualifies participants with a DVS-IIW certificate documenting each participant’s expertise at the time of course completion; the certificate is valid for life.

Unlike a DVS-IIW certificate, IIW certificates are valid for just three years, so professionals with the IIW qualification need to take part in further training programmes such as courses, seminars and committee work to keep their expertise and qualification current and valid. This also means that an IIW certificate reveals how current the holder’s knowledge is. Certification is not mandatory for welding supervisors, but the knowledge gained may have a positive effect in technical discussion for company certification.

Certification is based on the respective International Welding Diploma for the following certificates:


International Welding Diploma as an:

  • International Welding Engineer
  • International Welding Technologist
  • International Welding Specialist

International Welding Certificate

  • Certified International Welding Engineer
  • Certified International Welding Technologist
  • Certified International Welding Specialist


Phone  +49 345 5246-400
fax  +49 345 5246-340
email  auw(at)